Swiss Contribution

About the Project

The Angyalföldi Vadrózsa és Vadvirág Táncegyesület had the opportunity to receive a grant jointly funded by VÁTI and Swiss Contribution. Our project for the Twinning and Partnership Block Grant is a know-how exchange program between our Hungarian dance group and its operational leadership and Figurás Ensemble of Bern, with the inclusion of other Swiss-Hungarian communities. The 10 month project starting in November 2012 provides a great opportunity for both communities to learn and experience some new information, knowledge and to share our vision.


During the phases of the project, our Vadrózsa Táncegyüttes will have an opportunity to share our knowledge and to explain in details the unique Hungarian methodology of teaching folk dance, games and music. We are also keen to share the theories and practice of the táncház-method that is a protected UNESCO World Heritage.


Figurás Ensemble in Bern is an organization founded with the goal of protecting and sharing Hungarian folk dance and related traditions. They are a non-governmental organization with solid planning infrastructure and excellent relations with the private sector. The goal of our Hungarian group is to learn from their vast experience in planning, organizing and fundraising.


The target audience of this project is mostly the approximately 100 people affiliated with the above mentioned two communities. Our dedicated Swiss partner is Figurás Ensemble, but all our events are open to other interested communities as well (e.g. Pannónia Ensemble - Geneva).

Main events

  1. Táncház-Workshop and Folk Dance Methodology Program
    Switzerland – 28 December 2012 – 2 January 2013
  2. Introduction to Contemporary Dance Techniques, Rehearsal of a New Choreography
    Budapest – 25-27 October 2013
  3. Permier of the New Choreography for Angyalföldi Vadrózsa Ensemble
    Budapest – 24 November 2013

For the organizing boards of the two main partners we have several smaller events planned for the time between classical workshops. Using cost-effective and modern communication techniques, we will hold two on-line conferences. In the same time frame, our groups will have the opportunity to unite again by the means of experimental on-line dance practices.